Saturday 14 July 2012

What About The Piano: The Consequences

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Remember my previous post about the piano. I told you guys I was upset right, and my mom told me to "just let it be".
But I didn't. I went to sleep feeling very mad actually..
And today I woke up grumpy, mad, irritated, annoying, moody, plus all the other negative verbs that you can ever imagine.
7.00 am: I was angry coz I didn't find my track pants, and I lashed it out at my mom. She was in the kitchen making breakfast. She told me to be thankful coz I can still see the sun today and not fret, coz she had washed my pants and it was hung to dry.
Then, she asked me to sweep the floor. I made some noise. "Why is it always me, why didn't you ask Dida, etc.It's always me bla bla bla...I'm not going to do it again ever".
My mom said, "It's not like I ask you to sweep the soccer field".
I was still not satisfied.
My dad was silently watching his favourite TV programme.
7.30 am: My mom had cooked the rice, boiled water, did the laundry, and waiting for all of us to shower so that she can do the second round of laundry. My lil'sis still hasn't woke up, my eldest is lazying on her bed, I was complaining, making more noise about having to sweep a few square feet of floor, it's Saturday morning, all the neighbours were in, my mom need to get us ready for breakfast and she was supposed to leave with my dad to Perak.....
I was still making a lot of my mom AND in my father's presence.....My mom went out to feed the birds...
Then SUDDENLY...BOOM went her thundering voice....She had just lost her patience...I got some raps on my ears, knuckle marks on my head courtesy of my dad, my sisters and I were scolded really hard, my dad got into a quarrel with my mom, he left in a hurry without breakfast and my mom was left behind,  and my mom really really lost her temper today.
The consequences were.... we were sister and I were not allowed to go to the National Co-Op lil'sis was wailing like mad for almost 5 hours, coz she said it wasn't her fault.
My mom went into sleep mode, after preparing some food for us of course...and after a very intense round of verbal madness..
My dad came back late tonight and all of us were very quiet.
And it's all my fault...because I didn't heed my mom's advice to "Just let it be".
Because I chose to spoil the Saturday morning bliss whining, complaining, accusing my sister of stealing my track pants, didn't do the chores that my mom asked me to sincerely, I spoilt my sister's day coz she was really looking forward to hang out with her friends at the event, and because of me, my mom could not go to Perak, and maybe the people who invite her would think that she is arrogant (more bad consequences)..our teachers and friends would be very mad at us on Monday coz the bus had waited for us..and I think my mom was quite ashamed and embarrassed coz the neighbours must have heard the quarrel. I know coz she didn't go to pray Isya' Jamaah at the musolla as usual.
and because I went to sleep feeling very mad last night, I didn't go to pray the Subuh jamaah with my mom and dad today. Another bad consequence of going to sleep mad.
I've learnt my lesson. I feel very bad, coz my mom and dad have given us everything, pamper us, love us, but I did not even want to help her when she asked a little favour from me.
I've spoilt everybody's weekend..and I know the mood would drag on till tomorrow...I'm really quite scared coz my dad is scheduled to appear on national TV tomorrow morning...
....all these simply because I didn't listen to my mom to "Just let it be".
Daniel Zaydi


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