Friday 30 August 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

     Lately, I've been asking myself, "Kenapa saya selalu berbuat dosa dan maksiat?" 
Sedangkan, sebagai sebagai seorang islam, saya tahu yang hidup kekal selama-lamanya itu tidak wujud, melainkan di akhirat nanti. Saya tahu yang hidup di dunia ini hanya sementara, hanya pinjaman dan topeng semata-mata. Kita juga tahu bahawa mati itu adalah pasti. 

    Bukankah sepatutnya manusia akan berlumba-lumba mencari amal jariah / pahala yang akan menjadi ganjaran yang tidak ternikmat diakhirat? Semuanya kerana mungkin mereka masih fikir bahawa mereka akan hidup lama lagi dan Allah tidak akan mengambil nyawa mereka lagi sedangkan ajal itu boleh tiba bila-bila masa tanpa diduga.

     Saya mengaku, saya juga seperti mereka yang saya sebutkan di atas. Kita sebagai hamba Allah tidak akan terlepas daripada melakukan dosa. Saya terkesan apabila saya secara tidak sengaja tertonton QUNUT NAZILAH di TV ALHIJRAH. Apa yang menyebabkan saya terkesan? Terkesan apabila melihat saudara seIslam kita yang berada di Palestin, Mesir dan Syria yang diseksa dan dizalimi merata tempat. Ia sangat menyedihkan sehingga saya menangis yang seingat saya, sudah lama saya tidak menangis sebegitu  teruk sekali. Lagi pula, saya seorang lelaki. Tidak ada lelaki yang mudah menangis didunia ini, (mungkin ada.)

     Menangis yang menyebabkan saya tidak mampu berdiri dan sehingga badan ini bergetar seolah-olah mahu pitam. Pada pendapat anda, " Bolehkah , patutkah kita menikmati nikmat kebebasan merdeka ini jika masih ada saudara islam kita yang masih belum bebas (merdeka) ? "

      Berdoa kepada Allah S.W.T juga tidak semestinya akan membantu mereka bebas kerana kita hanya seperti berada di tepi meja dan tunggu saja untuk meja itu terangkat sendiri. Tiada usaha. Jika kita ingin mencapai sesuatu kejayaan juga, kita perlulah berusaha seiring dengan berdoa kepada Allah supaya hajat atau impian kita termakbul oleh-Nya. Kita juga perlu berusaha dan bersatu dengan mereka. Bantu apa yang patut.


      Saya tak sangka yang post saya ini berkait rapat dengan kemerdekaan. So, alang-alang menyeluk perkasam biarlah sampai ke pangkal lengan. Jadi, saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Yang Ke- 56 kepada Malaysia. Bersyukurlah dengan nikmat yang kita dapat ini, suasana yang aman damai , jangan mahu ditimbul kecoh. 

     Sentiasa ingat, carilah cinta yang hakiki, iaitu cinta kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa dan bukannya manusia kerana cinta kepada Allah berkekalan selama-lamanya. InsyaAllah. Saya juga memohon maaf sekiranya apa yang saya tulis ini tersalah maklumat ataupun terkasar bahasanya. Saya harap anda semua dan juga diri saya mengambil iktibar dengan keadaan saudara kita sekarang ini. Buang yang keruh, ambillah yang jernih.


Love and Faith,
Daniel Zaydi

Thursday 22 August 2013

Happy Eid Fitri

Assalamualaikum wbt and peace be upon you,

Hi everyone. Sorry I didn't post anything for quite some time coz my mom didn't pay the internet bill and got suspended.
So, how's your Eid? We had a blast. First day was spent at ome sweet home. Mom cooked nasi impit, lodeh, kuah kacang and we had cookies to serve our guests. Most we immigrants coz the locals have gone back to their hometown. First thing in the morning, we woke up, took the sunat Shower, ate bteakfast and then went to the mosque to pray. Came home and went to neighbours' houses who were around. Then entertain guests who came to our house.
After Isya' we went to Mak Long's house in Kajang and then proceeded to Muar for the best Hari Raya ever. I stayed at Mak Nojah's house while my family stayed at Busu Rahmah's place. We had a feast every night. We had satay, rendang, mee bandung, nasi impit, etc plus fireworks hehe.
Ok gtg, have to break my sunat fasting. Will continue soon.

Monday 5 August 2013

A Few Days before Eid

Assalamualaikum wbt and peace be upon you,
Hi. How are things at your place? Here in my place, everyone is starting to feel the excitement of Eidul Fitri. In my neighbourhood, people sleep late in order to prepare for the festivity and for I'tikaf at the musolla or mosque. The men spend the night praying and reciting the Quran there. The ladies would clean up their houses and become impromptu interior decorators. Some would turn into pastry chefs. For example last night, my neighbour came to our house at 11.30 pm to send food for Sahur and a little chit chat. Then my mom and lil sis went to their house at 2.30 in the morning to help them make cookies and only came home at almost 4 am. The day before yesterday, the men cooked rendang, dodol and lemang by the roadside. At 4.30 am, Akeem came to my house to send some of it. My dad came home from the musolla at 5 am to eat Sahur. Just now we saw Aunt Begum and her son busy hanging colourful lights outside her house at 12 midnight while another neighbour who has just moved in lit up fancy gasoline lamps.My parents were also invited to a neighbour's house at 11pm tonight, coz they wanted to give us some food for Sahur.I mean, all these make us feel like one big happy family.

However, some neighbours have gone back to their hometown. Like our next door neighbour and Aunt Hamidah who hail from Kelantan. Kelantan is so far away in the East Coast and to avoid the massive traffic jam, people would usually leave a good few days before Eid. However, before they leave, they would send text messages telling asking everyone for forgiveness and wishing a happy Eid and we would reply with the same plus wishing them a safe journey home. This year, we are going to celebrate Eid in our own home. We would not go back to our hometown. We have started to clean up the house and get rid of most things or plants that we don't need. Our lawn is bare except for the roses, melur, Burmese creepers and the grass. My dad recently got rid of the bamboo trees and all the potted plants have been transferred out. Our house looks so simple yet soothing to the eye, I love to just lepak outside at night nowadays.
Unlike other households, my parents don't spend a fortune for Eid. My mom did not change the curtains, no new furniture, carpets, cars, or whatnot. We would just make sure that the house looks clean, cheerful and nice. Dad bought some cookies to serve when guests come to visit. My mom stock up on some food and that's about it. My mom said, we need to save coz if big sis goes to uni next year, she'll need a lot of money. Anyway, we have all bought our new Eid clothes, except my mom who didn't buy anything new. My dad and I bought our clothes at Uniqlo in Alamanda recently. Tomorrow my sisters want my mom to drive them to Alamanda again to get some scarves and ballet flats.
We might go back to Muar for a couple of days however, just to celebrate with my dad's family, maybe on the second and third day of Eid. First, we would visit my ancestors' graves, then we would visit all the elderly relatives to pay our respect to them, then to all the other relatives' houses just to reconnect the ties of silaturrahim.My parents would go to the houses of my dad's parents' friends as well coz in Islam we have to do this as a way to show our love to our deceased parents. 
The school holiday have started since Monday for two weeks, yippee. However, I'll have another trial after the school reopens and then the major PMR exam in October. Becoz of the upcoming exam, my parents said that we would just spend a couple of days in Muar, then my mom has to work on the 5th day of Syawal. So, it will be a short celebration for us this year. Anyway, we won't be able to go back to Penang to visit baby bro's grave this year, so it will definitely be sad for us.
Well, that's basically how we prepare for the upcoming Eid. I wonder how it is in other parts of the world. I wish everyone a happy Eid and may God bless you, Ameen.
Love and peace
Daniel Zaydi