Assalamualaikum and hi, guys.
Firstly it's not D . O . A ( Dead Or Alive) hokayyy. Fuhh , first part , finish.
Secondly, probably would be the hardest thing for me to explain to all of you. It's about Du'a or prayer? Maybe. This evening , I just watch a show named Al - Khawateer ( sorry if I spell it wrong , do correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.)
The topic was about Doa. I really , really want to explain to you the definition of Doa, but I'm not really expert about this . So , i'm just gonna leave that 'definition explanation by me' part in this post. ( I'm afraid if write the wrong thing , just maybe people would kill me. haha . I'm just kidding, hokayyy. Actually I'm afraid people will get sesat because of this post. And I'm really sorry for leaving you with this symbol ' ? ' with my post. Heh.)
Okay, back to the topic. In that program or show ( ohh please, whatever) , ada tunjuk satu scene ni , where satu talk-show in America , yang topiknya adalah tentang Islam. My first expression was , " That's fine. Okay." then , that show mula tunjuk ada satu scene kat masjid that I don't know where it was ( but totally not in Malaysia, hokayy.) , waktu tu lepas solat and imam tengah berdoa. The doa sounds like this ( but i tulis dalam Bahasa melayu je laa , boleh? And that doa bunyinya lebih kurang macam ni laa, I tak ingat sangat.) : " Gegarkanlah bumi mereka ... jadikanlah anak-anak mereka yatim piatu, jadikanlah isteri-isteri mereka janda ... hancurkanlah tempat tinggal mereka ... jatuhkanlah ekonomi mereka ... hapuskanlah kaum agama yahudi , nasrani , kristian ..." dan lain-lain yang mendoakan kehancuran umat lain. That time , I was so speechless. My tears almost will gonna run on my cheeks. I was shocked because, as I remember , since I was a kid , my parents , my teachers , my ustaz , ustazah at my school never , ever teach us to be violent and to amalkan violence in our daily lives as a Muslim. Nope. Never . And, kitorang tidak pernah diajar untuk melihat kejatuhan kaum dan umat yang lain. Sebaliknya, di dalam Islam , kami disuruh untuk membantu umat dan kaum lain yang dalam kesusahan , tak kira agama dan bangsa. Maybe , just maybe , imam tersebut berdoa hanya mengikut kata perasaan dan emosinya saja. Wa Allah Hulalam.
Then, rancangan tu menunjukkan salah seorang daripada panelnya berkata with a very fierce and full of hated face, (Tengok je pun dah naik gerun. huh.) dia kata selepas slide tadi ditunjukkan : " Islam is NOT a religion of peace . NO WAY. " And that scene keeps repeating on and on. And I was , " What? Betul ke apa yang I dengar tadi tu? WHAT?" and again , I was speechless. I felt like my body just broke into thousands of little pieces. And, my tears really do run down on my cheeks. Gosh. It just felt like I've just been shot! I still cannot believe what I just heard. Tengok , sedikit je salah yang dibuat oleh orang Islam , terus disalah-ertikan oleh orang bukan Islam.
I want to give you all this one perfect example and maybe boleh menjawab segala persoalan dan salah faham tadi, : Dalam Islam , kita dibenarkan mengahwini orang Yahudi , Nasrani, Kristian dan lain-lain , andai kata , kita ditakdirkan untuk berkahwin dengan orang Yahudi , APAKAH KITA INGIN MENDOAKAN KEMUSNAHAN ISTERI / SUAMI KITA SENDIRI ? And , semua kanak-kanak di dunia ni, tak kira agama dan bangsa , adalah suci sesuci - sucinya. Kalau KITA mendoakan kemusnahan mereka , kita sama sahaja seperti menganiaya mereka dengan kejam. Bagaimana pula kalau kita di tempat mereka ? Awak nak anak awak menjadi yatim piatu dan isteri awak menjanda? Awak nak menjadi fakir miskin dan papa kedana? Awak nak rumah , negara awak hancur? Fikirlah , fikir dari pelbagai perspektif, yang membolehkan anda menjadi seorang yang rasional.
Saya memohon maaf sekiranya soalan saya tadi terlampau harsh kepada awak semua.
Pernah suatu ketika , ada seorang sahabat Rasulullah bertanya ( Kalau tak silap saya lah) kepada Nabi Muhammad , bolehkah dia berdoa untuk kehancuran umat / kaum yang lain (yang bukan Islam) dan Rasulullah berkata , " Tidak."
Tetapi kita hanya boleh mendoakan kemusnahan mereka ketika mereka memerangi dan ingin membunuh umat Islam , selain daripada itu tidak boleh. Islam bukanlah agama yang kejam.
Saya berharap sesiapa sahaja yang baca post ini , kalau yang non-muslim , boleh hilangkan salah faham tentang Islam dan yang Islam sendiri , dapat memperbaiki diri untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang lebih baik. Insha Allah.
" Jika ingin mencontohi seseorang , Rasulullah SAW adalah contoh yang terbaik."
Ingin bersama-sama mencari keamanan dan ketenangan yang hakiki,
Daniel Zaydi.
p/s : Saya memohon maaf sekiranya saya tersalah tulis atau membuat sesiapa terkecil hati dengan tulisan saya ini.
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Assalamualaikum and hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's such a holiday, full of boredom and laziness. GAHHH, WHO CARES?
What can I do???? I have NOTHING to do, man. Absolutely, NOTHING. ha'ah.
Well, well ... before you start to read my new blog post, please, do enjoy this video.
So nostalgic. *sobs sobs
So, last year ( 2013 ) was a wonderful year. Alhamdulillah. BUT , so many people kritik I and cakap , " Eh , you punya dressing macam nerd kot , etc. WHATEVER. I don't even care.
Then, I belek-belek diri I ni. Buat self reflection and then, I admit , I really looked sucks. YUCKS
Why not, buat a little bit of experiments and change on myself. Tak salah, kan? Semua start bila I tengok video clip THE PRINCESS DIARIES tu laa. (inspired. heheh)
So , I buat sikit je laa transformations. And these are my transformations ;
1. Change my haircut. Checked.
2. Change my school uniforms. Checked. ( Last year, it was so baggy and shabby.)
3. Audit my wadrobe. A little checked.
4. Bercakap dengan nada and tone voice yang lebih rendah dan sopan.
5. Trying hard not to slouch. ( I admit, it's hard.)
6. Taking care of my manners. Yeah.
I rasa , ni je kot yang I buat dengan that 'experiment' on myself.
Enjoy! Au revoir!
Daniel Zaydi
It's such a holiday, full of boredom and laziness. GAHHH, WHO CARES?
What can I do???? I have NOTHING to do, man. Absolutely, NOTHING. ha'ah.
Well, well ... before you start to read my new blog post, please, do enjoy this video.
So nostalgic. *sobs sobs
So, last year ( 2013 ) was a wonderful year. Alhamdulillah. BUT , so many people kritik I and cakap , " Eh , you punya dressing macam nerd kot , etc. WHATEVER. I don't even care.
Then, I belek-belek diri I ni. Buat self reflection and then, I admit , I really looked sucks. YUCKS
Why not, buat a little bit of experiments and change on myself. Tak salah, kan? Semua start bila I tengok video clip THE PRINCESS DIARIES tu laa. (inspired. heheh)
So , I buat sikit je laa transformations. And these are my transformations ;
1. Change my haircut. Checked.
2. Change my school uniforms. Checked. ( Last year, it was so baggy and shabby.)
3. Audit my wadrobe. A little checked.
4. Bercakap dengan nada and tone voice yang lebih rendah dan sopan.
5. Trying hard not to slouch. ( I admit, it's hard.)
6. Taking care of my manners. Yeah.
I rasa , ni je kot yang I buat dengan that 'experiment' on myself.
Enjoy! Au revoir!
Daniel Zaydi
Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! :D
*claps claps.* *standing ovation* *bow sana , bow sini*
Okey laa, straight to the point. Hari ni, I nak cerita pasal benda yang sangat berkait rapat dengan tajuk post kali ni.
OPSSSS, tunggu dulu. Mesti korang ingat I nak cerita pasal lagu Celine Dion - It's all coming back to me now, kan kan kan kan????????
Anggapan korang salah sama sekali. Well, I'm going to talk about KARMA !!!!
Perkara ni normal, kan? You buat baik, dapat baik. Buat jahat, dapat jahat. Cie's la vie (That's life).
Well, well ... apa yang I dapat , tak tau laa nak classify benda tu baik ke buruk. * Di sebalik semua kejadian, mesti ada sebabnya / hikmahnya kan?
The first one happened to me and my bestfriend , M . Macam nilah ceritanya ye. Once , when I was in form 1 , I've over-shadowed him. And , he told me that he was sad because whenever he walk with me , everyone will spot me or sees me first than him . ( Konon-konon I lagi popular laa dari dia.) Then, lama-kelamaan , now , I'm in form 3 , he started to over-shadowing me slowly. Now , everyone sees him first , everyone will talk to him and ignore me and leave me like a tunggul , speechless and terpinga-pinga. That's fine because mungkin sekarang I lebih daripada you and later you lebih daripada I. But, there's one thing that makes me sad and feel so bad. Kalau I tengah dengan dia and tiba-tiba classmates kitorang datang and cakap-cakap dengan dia, then , they just left without any signal. Not even a hand wave. ( As long as i remember, dulu , kalau I tengah jalan dengan dia ke apa, then I nak pergi kemana-mana, I akan bagi signal macam "Oo, i have to go now." or " Jumpa you dekat class or canteen or whatev." tapi dia .... .
* faham-faham je laa ek. Peace.
The 2nd one when I was in form 1 too. Ada sorang budak ni , nama dia R . R ni boleh dikatakan gila gamers and nerd. But he's nice , sometimes. Honestly , I tak suka dia waktu form 1 dulu , I selalu kata dia macam-macam. * I don't want to give examples. Thank you. Peace. Then , now , I pula dapat a little bit from him . People start to say that my school dressing looks lame , sakai and so on. Fine . And I'm going to wear braces maybe by the end of this month (October) or next month. Pfft.
And banyak lagi the so called KARMA incidents that happened to me and I prefer to keep it to myself because I don't you all think that I ni mangsa keadaan. ( I admit that I'm not really a good person.) I think that I layak terima hukuman ni daripada tuhan atas apa yang I dah buat.
And, kalau korang semua fikir I sedih ke pasal semua ni, actually I'm not because kita ni hidup sementara je , then buat apa nak sedih-sedih, kan? Yet, I felt so relieved for that punishments / karma because Allah SWT buat saya sedar akan kesilapan saya lebih awal sebelum it become even more worse and peluang untuk saya perbaiki diri untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang lebih baik. Insha Allah and Alhamdulillah.
Jom perbaiki diri untuk menjadi lebih baik, Insha Allah!
Always remember : What goes around comes around.
Your friend,
Daniel Zaydi.
p/s: sebab tajuk post kali ni berkait dengan lagu Celine Dion , I pun share je laa lagu tu dengan korang. ENJOY! GRAMMAR TERABUR SIKIT, HARAP MAAF. MALAS NAK EDIT.
*claps claps.* *standing ovation* *bow sana , bow sini*
Okey laa, straight to the point. Hari ni, I nak cerita pasal benda yang sangat berkait rapat dengan tajuk post kali ni.
OPSSSS, tunggu dulu. Mesti korang ingat I nak cerita pasal lagu Celine Dion - It's all coming back to me now, kan kan kan kan????????
Anggapan korang salah sama sekali. Well, I'm going to talk about KARMA !!!!
Perkara ni normal, kan? You buat baik, dapat baik. Buat jahat, dapat jahat. Cie's la vie (That's life).
Well, well ... apa yang I dapat , tak tau laa nak classify benda tu baik ke buruk. * Di sebalik semua kejadian, mesti ada sebabnya / hikmahnya kan?
The first one happened to me and my bestfriend , M . Macam nilah ceritanya ye. Once , when I was in form 1 , I've over-shadowed him. And , he told me that he was sad because whenever he walk with me , everyone will spot me or sees me first than him . ( Konon-konon I lagi popular laa dari dia.) Then, lama-kelamaan , now , I'm in form 3 , he started to over-shadowing me slowly. Now , everyone sees him first , everyone will talk to him and ignore me and leave me like a tunggul , speechless and terpinga-pinga. That's fine because mungkin sekarang I lebih daripada you and later you lebih daripada I. But, there's one thing that makes me sad and feel so bad. Kalau I tengah dengan dia and tiba-tiba classmates kitorang datang and cakap-cakap dengan dia, then , they just left without any signal. Not even a hand wave. ( As long as i remember, dulu , kalau I tengah jalan dengan dia ke apa, then I nak pergi kemana-mana, I akan bagi signal macam "Oo, i have to go now." or " Jumpa you dekat class or canteen or whatev." tapi dia .... .
* faham-faham je laa ek. Peace.
The 2nd one when I was in form 1 too. Ada sorang budak ni , nama dia R . R ni boleh dikatakan gila gamers and nerd. But he's nice , sometimes. Honestly , I tak suka dia waktu form 1 dulu , I selalu kata dia macam-macam. * I don't want to give examples. Thank you. Peace. Then , now , I pula dapat a little bit from him . People start to say that my school dressing looks lame , sakai and so on. Fine . And I'm going to wear braces maybe by the end of this month (October) or next month. Pfft.
And banyak lagi the so called KARMA incidents that happened to me and I prefer to keep it to myself because I don't you all think that I ni mangsa keadaan. ( I admit that I'm not really a good person.) I think that I layak terima hukuman ni daripada tuhan atas apa yang I dah buat.
And, kalau korang semua fikir I sedih ke pasal semua ni, actually I'm not because kita ni hidup sementara je , then buat apa nak sedih-sedih, kan? Yet, I felt so relieved for that punishments / karma because Allah SWT buat saya sedar akan kesilapan saya lebih awal sebelum it become even more worse and peluang untuk saya perbaiki diri untuk menjadi hamba Allah yang lebih baik. Insha Allah and Alhamdulillah.
Jom perbaiki diri untuk menjadi lebih baik, Insha Allah!
Always remember : What goes around comes around.
Your friend,
Daniel Zaydi.
p/s: sebab tajuk post kali ni berkait dengan lagu Celine Dion , I pun share je laa lagu tu dengan korang. ENJOY! GRAMMAR TERABUR SIKIT, HARAP MAAF. MALAS NAK EDIT.
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